1. What were the hardships faced by the Gypsies?
Ans. The Gypsies life which apparently seems very free and delightful is not so pleasant in actual reality. They have to walk barefooted and hardly get an opportunity to take care of their feet whereas the Princess is served by her lady attendants throughout the day - they take good care of her feet and thread the (fine -shod feet) feet of the princess neatly which remain enclosed within the costly and comfortable shoes.
The Gypsies take bath in the ice cold water of the stream which is full of silvery foams while the Princess uses warm water in the gold basin for the same purpose.
The Gypsies consume barley bread which is bitter in taste while the Princess is habituated to enjoy delicious food .
While roaming barefooted the Gypsies are often prone to get cuts in their feet but the Princess hardly has this possibility as her feet are covered with costly and comfortable pair of shoes all the time.
Mostly , the Gypsies die an infamous lonely death out of their sufferings in the unbearable cold and are not taken care of by anybody in their hour of sickness. While the Princess receives a majestic treatment and all the expensive modern aid till she breathes her last.
2. Why did the Princess want to go with the Gypsies?
The Princess was enchanted by the apparently alluring lifestyle of the Gypsies and wanted to go with them to enjoy a unique experience of freedom which is very much lacking in her royal palace .Being a juvenile princess, she longs to cherish the celestial essence of a carefree life like other girls of her age. She is tired of her disciplined royal lifestyles and is fed up of abiding by the strict rules of her noble heritage .She felt the association of the old, monotonous and strict counsellors irritating. She no longer wants to remain confined within the four walls - the cozy comfort of the palace and the warmth can no longer comfort her restless mind which is in search of an unrestricted freedom- so the Princess want to go with the Gypsies.
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