: India of my dream: A dream is an ideal situation which all of us want to achieve. When we talk about our country - like any other possession of ours we also dream to be a citizen of a country which would be considered as the world leader- in terms of all aspects. India has a rich cultural tradition , It has a rich history and it has always been considered to be a country of the ideal status throughout the world.Since time immemorial people from the European countries and other parts of the world have come to our country and utilised its rich resources for the fulfilment of their short term and long term desires. I desire to be a resident of a country , where there would be no discrimination based on caste , sex and religion - the country should achieve the true spirit of the Constitution of India .We want a recognition to be one of the most developed country of the world - the re...
1. What did Rakesh buy while returning from school ? whom did he offer the same ? why in the region where Rakesh lived there were almost no fruit tree? What did Rakesh do with the last seed of the cherry? Ans. 2. "Are cherry seed s lucky "? Who is the speaker? 3. What advice did the Grandfather give to Rakesh? Where did he suggest Rakesh to Plant the cherry tree ? why? 4. How did Rakesh and the Grandfather spend the winter evenings? 5. What happened to the cherry tree when it was two feet long? 6. What did the grandfather do when he saw a woman while cutting the grass has cut the cherry tree into two? 7. How was the looks of Rakesh when he was eight years old ? What did the grandfather call his eyes? 8. Why did Rakesh go home to his village during summer? 9. Who was the first visitor of the cherry tree?